Our Mission

WCWM: Who’s Coming With Me’s mission is to build healthy, unified and sustainable, Black communities in New Orleans through art, entrepreneurship, economics, and youth empowerment.


Our Vision

We see unity, economic interdependence, and youth empowerment as necessary solutions to the many problems that plague the Black community.

We believe in the power of the youth, and are dedicated to Black youth employment, entrepreneurship, and mentorship through the arts.
We believe in the power of Black businesses, dollars, and unity. In order for young people to understand what it means to be a Black business, they must have relationships and respect for them. We want to engage, educate, and employ them as a way to prevent them from getting involved in non-constructive activities.
We believe young people, especially artists and entrepreneurs, need appropriate exposure to the environments (people and resources) in order to stimulate their artistic passion and focus their entrepreneurship skills.
We believe that everyone should work to fulfill their purpose. And by following and fulfilling ones individual purpose, others are able to find and pursue their purpose too.
The phrase “Who’s Coming With Me” is a call to action for unity.
As we continue to rise and thrive as a community, WCWM insists we pave the way and provide the tools and guidance to the generations to follow.

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